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Pressure Treated Lumber for Raised Beds

Question from Olivia:
Before writing you with this question I visited your blog to find an answer to my question but I wasn’t able to fully find one therefore I thought I should send you a quick email.

My husband is building a raised bed vegetable garden for me. The redwood and cedar are very expensive and we were wondering if we could use the treated lumber. For years the lumber was treated with arsenic but nowadays the wood is treated with copper. I was wondering if this kind of wood threatening would be safe for plants.

Thank you for your help!

Answer from Pat:
I am not a scientist but from all I have read pressure treated lumber (PTL) is a perfectly safe material for building raised beds for growing vegetables. Nonetheless, when I built mine I used redwood. I was only building one bed. I am an organic gardener. I have some friends and family members who are purists. I figured I would use redwood and avoid any controversy. But this does not mean that I disbelieve in the pressure treated lumber. I am convinced it’s perfectly safe for raised beds, there is no arsenic in it and there is a huge difference in price between building a raised bed of PTL and redwood. I also used to raise my melons in rubber tires and people now say that was not a good idea, but I am still alive and kicking and I ate a great many of those homegrown melons. You also have to think that very little of anything in wood leaches sideways into the ground next to it. Water goes downward, pulled by gravity and takes with it whatever elements are dissolved in soil.


  1. Thank you for your response. I would love to use redwood too. On top of the controversial safety it would make me feel better to know that I’m growing purely organic veggies. I bought 1 cuy of rock gravel today for putting on the ground before building the raised beds so the wood won’t rot. I’m hoping my husband will splurge and get the redwood but it makes me feel more calm that if the redwood won’t be an option I can still go with the treated lumber as it is now.

    Ps: your blog is amazing btw. On top of having an immense amount of information I love the fact that I can put any word in the search box and I can find an answer to my questions. It seems like the search boxes are for searching the information on each site but strangely enough many websites have bugs and the search box doesn’t work. I’m glad you have a good website designer who make things work really smoothly!

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