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Florida Avocado trees

Question from Dee:
I have a small avocado plant I have grown from an avocado seed I used to have in my backyard in South Florida. They were large size but delicious! My question is do I need two trees in order for them to pollinate? My daughter also has a seed plant from the same tree. Do we need to plant them near each other or can they produce separately? We both live in Orlando, FL. Thank you!

Answer from Pat:
Does your seed-grown avocado have flowers and fruit? Does your daughter’s tree flower? Avocado trees grown from a seed seldom bear avocado’s and if they do bear fruit, the fruit that comes from them, if any, may not be the same as the parent tree but something entirely different. If your tree grown from a seed is bearing flowers but no fruit the problem is no bees or no pollinator, but since you don’t know the variety or flower type it may be a problem finding the correct pollinator. Please see and read my instructions on pollination of avocado trees on this site. It will explain the subject to you.

Here is an additional fact. Avocado flowers, like cherimoyas and some other tropical trees, have flowers that have separate male and female phases. For example when the flowers open they may be female and the next day male. Type A trees are female in the morning and male in the afternoon. Type B flowers open female flowers in the afternoon that are male the next morning. You need the opposite type as pollinator, or save the pollen one day and use it the next to pollinate the tree by hand.


  1. Thank you so much. That is a huge help. Just to clarify, our tree sprouts are only about 4 feet high and mine is still in a pot where I started it to get through the winter while it was so small, so there are no flowers yet. I have another family member who grew a beautiful tree from one of these seeds. It did produce very good fruit after several years, but she had a neighbor with an avocado tree that may have help with pollination. She might have been lucky that the fruit grew so well and I know that doesn’t mean mine would. I can try your pollination ideas.

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