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Colorful Trees To Plant At The Base Of Tall Banks

  • African Tulip Tree (Spathodea campanulata): Reputed to have fast growth but yellow ones are slower and are being used as street trees in some areas. It has moderate water needs combined with bunches of large, spectacular flowers over a long season. Best out of strong winds. Choose either yellow-orange or red specimens, red being the most spectacular but perhaps larger and faster growing. The red variety could become invasive after a few years, so is better on open ground away from houses.
  • Cape Chestnut (Calodendrum capense): Handsome dark green foliage may be briefly deciduous or may hang on through winter on this very showy, round-headed tree, that is magnificent in bloom and best out of wind. It can take 5 years after planting for this tree to bloom, which is why it is not often enough planted. It needs regular water but can survive on less. To plant this tree is to give a lasting gift to the Del Mar landscape. (Great example near flamingo pool, San Diego Zoo.) Flowers are feathery and arise in panicles as big as baseballs,  rosy-lilac to pink in color. They drench the entire top of this neatly shaped, rounded tree in early spring or summer.
  • Floss Silk Tree (Chorisia speciosa): Spectacular fall bloom, orchid-colored flowers all over the top of the tree after leaves briefly drop, especially good bloom if you can let it go dry in late summer. Seed pods and flowers bring hummingbirds. Highly recommended on the tall banks. Grafted specimens have no thorns but thorny trunks are ornamental and these trees usually bloom young.
  • Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia): One of our best flowering trees. Likes reflected heat.
  • Lemon Bottle Brush (Callistemon citrinus ‘Splendens’ or ‘Improved’): The blooms are more upright than weeping. This selection is sold pruned up as a tree or it can be grown as a very large, multi-stemmed shrub or screen.
  • Markhamia or African Trumpet Tree (Markhamia lutea, M. hildebrandii): Evergreen tree that is fast-growing, tall and narrow for 10 years, then spreading and slow-growing. Profusion of golden-yellow trumpet blooms from July to December followed by prominent hanging pods. Gaining popularity as street tree due to upright shape. Blooms best after dry winter. Likes well-drained soil.
  • Weeping Bottle Brush (Callistemon viminalis): Evergreen, weeping tree that is drought resistant and brings hummingbirds, orioles and mockingbirds. Waves of bloom year round.


  1. Hi I am very interested in this African tulips tree. How can I get my hands onone?

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