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List of Fragrant Roses

Regarding a list of fragrant roses, Sunset Western Garden Book has a long section on roses and says which ones are fragrant. In a box on page 595, the great hybridizer, Tom Carruth explains why few new disease-resistant roses are fragrant and names his favorites: ‘Memorial Day’, ‘Scentimental’, ‘Secret’, and ‘Yves Piaget’.  (‘Yves Piaget’ is one of my favorites too.) If you add these to the ones I mentioned in my former email, you will have the beginnings of a great list. A great fragrant climber is ‘Royal Sunset’. To find more refer to the best rose books but even better, talk to great gardeners and horticulturists and nurserymen wherever you go. The best rose books contain excellent lists. Also send to nurseries all over the world that specialize in roses and ask them to send you their catalogues. I have found many of these more informative about varieties than books on the subject.

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