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Pruning of Ground Morning Glory (Convolvulus)

Question from Randy:
One more question. When ground morningglory is done blooming how much can I cut it down? I’ve never had much luck with this plant after a year or two. I have some that looked great thru the bloom now look horrible. Cut them back but not so good.

Answer from Pat:
Grow ground morning glory (Convolvulus sabatius) in full sun and provide good drainage or a slope. Water ground morning glory deeply and more often the first year to encourage deep roots and fertilize occasionally, but lightly to keep it going. After first year water less often. Prefers well drained sandy loam but will survive in clay if not overwatered. Don’t cut this back after bloom in fall. This might make it die in winter. Wait until late winter, mid-February, or early February if the weather’s warm. Then cut back to prevent it growing too tall and woody. Follow up with with fertilizer and water. It should bounce right back and start to bloom. Some people cut back lightly throughout the year but once a year in late winter is fine.

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