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Using Plastic Containers

Question from Christy:

I’ve searched Google and other gardening sites and can’t find an answer to my question. What do you think of using paper fiber pot liners when using plastic containers? I live in a warmer area of Vista and feel the plastic containers, while keeping the growing medium from drying out too fast, need more protection from the intense heat we often experience in summer.

Answer from Pat:

Plastic is great for roots since tests show that when plants are grown in plastic the roots are evenly distributed in the soil instead of following the water out the sides of a porous pot and winding around and around next to the pottery. However, when sun hits plastic the plastic heats up and fries the entire root ball inside. Using paper fiber pot liners won’t help, but double-potting does help because there is a layer of air between the inside plastic plant container and the outside terra-cotta pot. I have used this system for container-grown plants for many years and have encouraged other gardeners to do the same in my books. See “Double-Potting Beats the Heat”: Welsh: Double Potting Beats the Heat&f=false

While looking up the above link I find many other writers have picked up on that catchy phrase, which appeared for the first time in my first book in 1991, but I’m glad other folks are getting the idea and using it.


  1. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. If I had opened the inside-front-cover of my copy of your book (1992), I would have found at the top of my list of “articles” to refer to for future reference, Double Potting- pg 203. Guess I didn’t look everywhere afterall. Your reply came just in time. Now instead of purchasing paper liners I will be on the lookout for some interesting terra cotta’s. Lots more room for creativity.
    Thanks again

    • I’ve always loved the California/Mediterranean look of terra cotta pots in the garden, but almost always use them the “double-potting” way. Helps preserve the pot too! Thanks so much for writing back.

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