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Plant Poisonious

Question from Tricia:

Could really use your help!

I have searched all over the web for any pictures of this native plant I found on my property (I live in Alpine, CA.). It looks kind of like mint, has long veins on the leaves,with rigged edges. I pinched a piece off to smell it and it literally shocked my nose, like an electrical shock! Immediately my nose was burning/itching. So I put a paste of baking soda and water on right away and the pain went away. No blisters formed. Have you ever encountered a strange plant like this? I have a picture if you would like to see it. I would really appreciate your help, as I can’t find any info on it.
Thanks you so much!

Answer from Pat:

Look up Coyote mint (Monardella villosa) a California plant, native to the chaparral. If this is the plant you wondered about, it is not poisonous but was used as a medicine for colds and to cure stomach ailments by the native peoples.


  1. Thanks for your quick reply. I looked at the Monardella villosa plant pics, that doesn’t look like it. Thanks again!

    • The very strong aroma suggests this is a member of the mint family, which is a large family of aromatic herbs. The opposite leaves suggest that also. Are the stems square? Mint family members are aromatic herbs—some are very aromatic as you have described, but all have at least a vaguely “minty” odor. They also all have square stems and opposite leaves. If this is one of the wild mints, I cannot tell exactly which one it is, there are so many of them and anyway I am not a botanist. Why not wait until it blooms and then send me another photo or take it to the Museum of Natural History where they have a brilliant botanist? Chances are it’s not poisonous but don’t go eating it or making tea of it without knowing what it is!

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