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Vegetables & Fruits – Page 4

Potatoes and Brown Spots

Question to Pat: Potatoes have the brown spots starting. Sprayed with worm tea this week. Don’t like the idea of copper spray…. holding off. Blight is really a problem and this is a brand new bed with organic soil from El Corzone. Thx so very much for any information. Got totally side tracked again in […]

Companion Planting Has No Scientific Basis but Planting a Wide Range of Crops Works

Question: The other thing you said was that companion planting has been proven ineffective – by that do you mean that researchers have failed to find that planting certain CROPS in proximity to each other does them ANY good? Or that certain non-crop plants actually do NOT provide benefit to crop plants… Yikes – that’s […]

Instructions for Building Raised Bed

Question: We live in Fallbrook and are looking to build one or more raised beds for planting vegetables. We purchased your Southern California Gardening book from Costco but can’t find any instructions on building the bed. Can you provide us with a link or two for designs/instructions that you would recommend? Answer from Pat: Years […]

Step-By-Step Method For Growing Great Organic Vegetables

If you are growing organic vegetables year-round there will be some carryover of cool-season organic crops into warm weather, for example organic artichokes, which can be put in from transplants in March and harvested in June, or organic globe onions, which are planted from seeds in November and harvested in late May or June, and […]

Growing Heirloom Winter Squash in a Coastal Zone

Question from Forrest: Hello Pat, I was told that you live in Del Mar and I’d love to get your expert opinion on something. I have become very interested in growing heirloom winter squash (after reading the wonderful “Compleat Squash”) and I wonder if we get enough heat here to mature them properly. I live […]

Rust and Leaf-curl on Artichoke Leaves

Question from Niel: I have an artichoke plant that quite recently showed some rust with tiny white spots inside. Also,some of the leaves are curling backwards on themselves. Do you know of any in-home remedies I can get rid of it with or do I go commercial and get something at the nursery? Answer from […]

Green Beans

Question from Daisy: Thank you so much Pat. I cant believe how quickly you answered the question. We do have rats and mice in the area, so that might be it. Although, one of the plants sliced off had the top laying on the ground. I look forward to hearing you at another one of […]

Pumpkins Won’t Grow

Question from Mary: I have attended your seminar in Orange County and have your book. However I don’t see my dilemma addressed. For the last two years, I have planted pumpkins in containers and the ground. They produce a small bloom with a bulb. I learned how to hand pollinate from your video, but the […]

Passion Vine ‘Frederick’

Question from Randy: Randy in Santa Barbara again. I have a question. I started a passion vine ‘Frederick’ from a cutting from my other ‘Frederick’. It’s about a year old and is totally covering my chicken coop. I got a few fruits a few months ago when the plant initially flowered but then I had […]

Winter Squash

Tips And Hints For Growing Easy-Care Warm-Season Crops Planting months: April, May, June Spacing: Thin vines to 12 iches apart, rows 6 feet apart or hills 8 feet apart, 3 plants to each. Bush types may be closer. Special Tips: Winter squash got this name not because it’s grown in winter but because it grows […]