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California Natives – Page 2

Trees for new home

From Paul: As usual, thanks for your help. Here is my latest plan: Swan Hill Fruitless Olives anchoring the house on both sides and middle in the front. (full sun with sea breeze) Acacia baileyana near street on both sides of driveway. (full sun with sea breeze) Mild slopes in front and side of the […]

Planting on a Bank & Best Substitutes for Lawns

Question from Howard: We are a Homeowners association with a steep bank, 45 degrees or steeper, three blocks long and about 30 feet high. What drought tolerant plant(s) would you recommend? Also, what ground cover, if any, would you recommend to replace grass areas? Answer from Pat: Before I can answer your question, I need […]

Drought-resistant Lawn Substitute for People and Dogs

Question from Candace and Cyrus: We recently got rid of our entire fescue lawn and replaced it ( or tried to ) with UC Verde, a new form of buffalo grass specially engineered for the climate of the southwest. Unfortunately, because we are within a half mile of the coast, we received insufficient sunshine for […]

Coast Goldenbush

Question from Dave: I want to purchase one plant – can you help? Answer from Pat: Coast goldenbush (Isocoma menziesii var. menziesii) is a California native plant that proliferates along the coast of Southern California and the northern Baja peninsula and is a member of the Sunflower Family (Asteraceae.) I can see why you might […]

Drought tolerants for patio

Question from Tracey: I would like to find out if there are some drought tolerant /native plants that will do well in pots on a patio. The patio is south facing and gets a lot of sun. I’m in the South Pasadena/ Highland Park area of Southern California. Answer from Pat: A few native plants […]

Native Plants Suitable For Planting Near A Coastal Lagoon

SHRUBS Adenostoma fasciculatum—Chamise Most abundant shrub in some local coastal chaparral, often called “Chamise chaparral”. Known for spring bloom but often flowers in fall. Arctostaphylos glandulosa, ssp. crassifolia—Del Mar manzanita Coastal manzanita endemic to local region. Arctostaphylos pumila—Sandmat manzanita Arctostaphylos uva-ursa—kinnikinnick From northern California but will grow here. Artemisia californica—California sagebrush888 Frequently found in old […]